Full range of scripts. All sorts of different scripts

More Code Generators and 100's of Free Javascripts to Cut & Paste into your website

Redirect your website pages to your target pages

No right clicking, hide your source code
Mouse Tricks
Dynamic backgrounds, scrollbar colors, text colors
Date and Time
Title bar date and time, display date and time
Form Elements
Grab text field, scrollbar colors Button navigation wizard
Pop Up wizard, metatags, scrollbars many wizards Mail to Links
User Information Display
Screen resolution display, user information displays
Scrollbars, Title Bars, and Status Bars
Background colors, scrollbars, status bar information, displays
All the Javascripts available
Full range of scripts. All sorts of differnet scripts
Windows and Frames JavaScripts
Pop Up windows, flying pop up windows
Background Effects
Dynamic Background effects and changes
Random Items
Random Banner Displays, Text Displays and image displays

Free Cut and Paste Scripts

Free Online Code Generators and Script Resources. Cut and Paste Scripts, Buttons, Banners, IP information meta tag generators

DiscoveryVIP offers self study computer training and certification training. Offering training CD-ROM’s and videos in Microsoft MCSE, A+ Certification, network+ plus, ASP, Microsoft Frontpage, HTML, JavaScript, Windows, Firewalls, Macromedia Flash Fireworks, computer basics, internet and ecommerce

VideoMakerFX Bonus OFFER Create efective Video Marketing materials. Whiteboard videos have a 150% greater conversion ratio than other videos. People are much more likely to watch a whitebaord video from start to finish. Make your own whitebaord videos and sell them for hundreds of dollars.

Check out Discoveryvip for more Resources by